pediatric exams (ages 3+)
We provide eye exams starting at 3 years old, and each school year thereafter.
Clear, comfortable, single vision is essential for everyone, however in kids clear visual input and good eye alignment helps to prevent the development of conditions such as amplyopia and/or strabismus (“lazy eye”) down the road.
Kids’ learning and attention capacity at school can be affected if they are straining to keep things clear and/or single. Unfortunately kids often do not have the vocabulary to express these symptoms, especially if it is all they have ever known.
There are several objective ways to determine your child’s visual needs without relying on your their subjective responses only. We utilize retinoscopy, autorefraction, and eye drops that prevent overfocusing (which is more common in kids) if needed. Putting together these elements enables us to get the most accurate Rx and exam possible.